XBLA Review: Double Dragon Neon

Finally after years of waiting and waiting for my two brothers from the 80s to come back we get Double Dragon Neon Published by Majesco Entertainment and Developed by WayForward. Twin brothers Billy and Jimmy have been kicking butt and taking names for 25 years. Join them in this bodacious re-imagining of the classic beat ’em up that started it all. Battle through glass-jawed goons, deadly teleporting geishas, scientific abominations, and more as you hunt down the evil Skullmageddon and save the love of your life, Marian. I knew once I got my hands on this game there as no way of me turning back.

The game as you can see from above has changed quite a bit since we last saw our brothers in action. In this game you start learning the old school beat’em up style of what you used to remember with now a bonus of what is new to the series called “Mixtapes”. As you collect this Mixtapes you get upgraded with both your ability and also new skills. You also can go to a shop called the “Tapesmith” in the game and upgrade what you have collected. Tapesmith. It’s not just rockin’ tunes; customizing mixtapes gives players unique abilities. This really gives this new Double Dragon’s game a very unique feel from your 80s game and bring it up to date with a killer soundtrack I might add!

The whole background and design of this game also brings back not only some very 80s memories but all new ones as well. I loved the whole control layout and how it was just old meets new in there own special way. As I said before the soundtrack makes this game even better having some kick ass tunes. The last game I actually liked for a soundtrack was Jet Grind Radio but I feel like this game has blown that out of the water. You can’t help but feel like you are reliving your childhood when playing this. As it may come easy to some who have played Double Dragons before this also will be very enjoyable for the kids who weren’t born during the most amazing period in time. The 80s babies will most likely get more joy of this then anybody else to be quite honestly. Like myself.

There is suppose to be multiplayer for this game but right now they are patching a few things here and there but once they finish I will be sure to give this game an update on that as well but for now I will be enjoying this solo campaign until then.

4.5 / 5




Posted on 09/18/2012, in XBLA Reviews. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. True360Gaming

    nice review, keep it up

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