XBLA Review: Zombie Driver HD

Zombie Driver was a vehicular combat PC video game which is now available for the Xbox 360. Set in a zombie apocalypse setting, where a major chemical accident / secret government project turned the inhabitants of a whole city into shambling, aggressive opponents, the player must undertake various missions to rescue civilians, slaughter zombies and unlock/upgrade various cars. The game takes place in varying areas of a single, unnamed city besieged by a disease-borne zombie outbreak. Zombies are uniformly hostile towards the player and will attack and damage their vehicle using a variety of attacks depending on the specific zombie type. Zombies can be destroyed by driving into them with the player vehicle, by using acquired weaponry, or by using certain limited in-game hazards such as fires or explosives. Running into zombies will slow the vehicle down, the actual amount depends on the ramming power of the vehicle.

The objective of each level is to navigate the vehicle through the confines of the city while completing missions. Missions typically consist of clearing certain areas of zombies or rescuing survivors from specific locations; all zombies in the immediate area must be eliminated, after which the player can stop their vehicle and pick up survivors. Survivors may then be returned to the main safehouse or can remain in the vehicle while the player completes other objectives. The number of survivors, both in one location or throughout the level, may require multiple trips to rescue.

If you have ever played GTA 2 on the PC this is the same exact gameplay. Of course you can’t get out of your care and beat up hookers but running over zombies and shooting them with mounted machine guns and flame throwers makes you forget about all of that.

Posted on 10/24/2012, in XBLA Reviews. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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