“Mind-bending” Psychological Thriller ‘Transference’ Coming This Autumn

Ubisoft Montreal and Elijah Wood’s studio SpectreVision have announced that their Black Mirror-esque psychological thriller Transference will be heading to VR and “traditional platforms” later this year.

A journey into a mind-bending realm in which you’ll delve into the experiments of a troubled scientist, Transference takes place within a corrupted digital simulation of his family created using their collective brain data. The live-action storyline will shift between three different perspectivesm as you unravel the mystery at the heart of the family.

Transference will be launching for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in autumn 2018. Check out the E3 2018 trailer below.

Posted on 06/11/2018, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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